
1 : the power or act of seeing into a situation : penetration.

2 : the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively.

Transitions painting energy in motion

Experimenting with a transparent way of art making and sharing, we are two artists, based in Vermont USA

and Paris France,

committed to sharing our experimental research on art making as mindful practice.

Exposing our observations through a journal-like archive, we are VISUALIZING THE INVISIBLE through a JOURNEY INTO SILENCE.


The beginning..

On January 17 2020 I met Tal Waldman at an art exhibition in Paris- “A Kind Of Magic” in the gallery Mémoire de l’Avenir. Our works were hung side-by-side and it is brought to our attention that two of our paintings included in the show share the same title- ‘As Above So Below’. This would be the beginning our our collaboration, our commitment to VISUALIZING THE INVISIBLE through a JOURNEY INTO SILENCE.

noetics interwebbing fascia mycchorizal networks

And Now..

We continue to experiment with how our daily meditation and mindfulness practices influence the direction of our artistic exploration.

Discovering unifying threads between our individual paths, we continue to inspire and empower each other’s work as we continue to VISUALIZE THE INVISIBLE.

Join the story through our journal-like archive:

Going deeper.

BELOW are studies from the various chapters of In(2)Visible: VISUALIZING THE INVISIBLE; A Journey Into Silence.


inside : out